Since 2017, we've dedicated the majority of our advertising budget to spreading "Random Acts of Kindness" throughout the Flathead Valley. These acts can be as simple as buying coffee for the person behind you in line, paying for a stranger’s gas, donating items to the Samaritan House, or covering the adoption fee for a pet at the shelter. When we do these acts, we hand out a business card encouraging the recipient to "Pay It Forward" and help spread more love throughout our community.
Maybe you’ve experienced one of these acts firsthand, or perhaps someone shared the story with you. Whatever brought you here, THANK YOU for taking the time to learn more. We hope you’ll join us in spreading kindness. You don’t need money to make a difference—small gestures like holding the door for someone, thanking a service member, or leaving an uplifting note on a stranger's car can have a big impact. Every act of kindness, no matter how small, ripples out and creates more love and understanding in our community and the world.
"Remember, there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end." — Scott Adams